
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Coronavirus Lockdown - Day 8

It was on Monday 23rd March that Boris Johnson announced that all UK residents must stay at home to protect the NHS amid the growing threat of coronavirus. He said that we should only leave our homes for the following reasons:-

- Shopping for basic necessities
- One form of exercise a day - either alone or with members of your household
- Medical need or to provide care help vulnerable person
- Travel to work - but only if necessary and you cannot work from home

Since then I have been out most days for a walk, taking care to keep a "social distance" from other walkers and been to the shops a couple of times for essentials - particularly wine and whisky! I have also managed to obtain one delivery from a local supermarket and a friends daughter has done some shopping for us (although my partner and I feel perfectly well, and "young at heart" we are considered to be vulnerable as we are both over 70).

To help relieve the boredom of being stuck indoors most of the time I have decided to start posting to this blog again both as a record of how things are going, and more importantly to help spread a little happiness by posting some of the many jokes, memes etc which I hope will make you smile and keep you mind off the terrible plight we are all in.

So I will end this post with the following thought - 
Lash salons closed
Hair salons closed
Tanning salons closed
Waxing salons closed..

It's about to get ugly out there..... Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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